30 years ago, as a result of me going on a Barclays training course with Mandy, the force of nature that was Tony Flynn came into our lives.
Tony never failed to make us laugh. Whether it was because he was teaching the boys inappropriate phrases, or taking the mickey out of Mandy’s unique culinary skills, Tony was more of a boy than our boys.
He gave our eldest a nickname, Johnny Big Bananas, and once dangled him over a moat at Bodiam Castle, where his shoe fell into the water! The boys all loved him of course, mainly because he was definitely on their level!
We enjoyed a fun holiday on the Isle of Wight and many days out at National Trust properties, watching our boys growing into young men.
One thing was for sure - Tony adored his boys. He was so proud of them and loved to get involved, especially with their football. Jacob and Oliver are an absolute credit to him, and Mandy of course, and have grown into two incredible men. They will never forget their dad and we will continue to share our stories of his shenanigans over the decades. It’s tragic that he has gone so early, and we will miss him.
Rest In Peace Tony. Until we meet again.
18th October 2020